New-Fast Marketing Plan Calendar Review by John Hunt

John Hunt, the creator of the “Do-It Yourself  Marketing Handbook System” released the following review of the New Marketing Plan & Calendar Creation tool. Check it out and sign up below for your $1, 21-day, no-obligation trial of Fast Marketing Plan. Now Click this link and discover how Fast and Easy it is to create […]

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Entrepreneur's Toolbox to Help You to Market Your Business

An “Entrepreneur’s Toolbox” includes things that must be within the prospective entrepreneur’s very person but also; external tools, vision, and self-trust.

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Will Your Marketing Battle Plan Survive First Contact With Your Competitors?

Marketing plans, advertising efforts, marketing calendars, logos and branding – even our products, services and ideas, themselves – are our weapons. And, collectively, we are always trying our best to make sure that our weapons and stratagem are bigger, better and stronger than those of our ‘enemies’.

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What Are Your Limits?

Can you name anything in life that has no limits? I didn’t think so. That’s exactly why all your marketing efforts should have some type of expiration date. A limited offer will “out-pull” and “out-sell” an open-ended offer almost every time. When you do test  a “limited offer,” you will need to explain to your […]

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Do You Make This Website Contact Mistake?

How happy are you with the quantity and quality of the contacts you receive from your Web site?

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How often do you re-use and repurpose your marketing and positive publicity?

Have you run newspapers and magazines ads? Are there any articles that have been written about you, about your business, or about your products and services? People may be impressed and respond when these articles and ads run the first time, but how many of them are ever seen again by the public? Running an […]

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5 Ways To Stretch Your Marketing Dollars

If you are a B2B business looking for a few ways to stretch your marketing dollars, here are 5 to get you stretching.

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Who Will Buy Your Professional Services?

Discover exactly who will want to buy your professional services.
What the perfect future client will be. How to get to your perfect future client. And, a few simple marketing strategies and tactics and why the CXO can be your biggest help.

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What's Your Name?

One of the most important marketing decisions you can ever make is choosing the name of your business, product or service. Your name should explain or “tell a story” of exactly what your business or your product/service does.

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5 Simple Secrets To Social Media Marketing Success To Grow Business

Discover how to use social media marketing to drive more targeted traffic to your websites and blogs. Also why building name awareness build your credibility in the marketplace.

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