Past Presidents, Fireworks and Tears of…

I hope you don’t mind me sharing  a short story with you about what happened on July 5th, 1998. While on a family vacation, my wife Amy and I with our four kids straggling behind made our way to see Mount Rushmore for the first time. We had to park about a mile away because […]

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7 Questions To Ask Before Writing Your Marketing Plan

Discover 7 simple questions to ask to help speed up creating your next marketing plan. The what, where, when, who and how you’ll want to know before you start your marketing plan.

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Secret No.44: Use It Or Lose It …

If you don’t lose it you’ll lose it. Use your new knowledge fast or you may never will.

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Higher Proof Will Help You Sell More Products, Services and Ideas

Proof Will Help You Sell More Products, Services and Ideas: Go ahead, take a few minutes today and look at every marketing message you are putting out… Ask yourself: Am I providing my reader, viewer and listener the proof and credibility that what I’m saying is indeed true? How many times have you seen an […]

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Secret No. 43: What Did You Learn Today?

How can I use this idea or that concept to help to my clients or myself grow our businesses bigger and stronger?

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Who Else Wants Three Revealing Tips To Writing A Profitable Ad?

Three Revealing Tips To Writing A Profitable Ad? Are you frustrated because your ads are not getting the response you thought they deserved? Here are three tips that are 100% guaranteed to help you improve any ad. Tip One: Write a powerful headline that stops your reader dead in their tracks. Get them say to […]

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Thank You. Thank You. Thank You…

Can you ever say “Thank You” too much? Everyone loves to know they are appreciated. The right gift lets your clients know that their friendship and business is important to you and helps cement your relationship. The best client gift takes your client’s personal interests into account and impresses him with your thoughtfulness and sincerity. […]

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Secret No. 42: Got A Problem And Need Help?

Where can you turn when YOU need help? Simply ask your friends, business associates, clients, members of your family, etc., “Who do you know who could help me with (Fill in the blank here).” Start thinking about all of the people who could help you to achieve your goals (you do have written goals, don’t […]

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Secret No. 41: You Ask This Question

Everybody asks this question at one time or another. “What’s in it for me?” So, “what’s in it” for your future clients to buy from you and your business? The harsh reality is that your future clients do not care about you, about your company, or about whatever it is that you are trying to […]

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Secret No. 40: What Number IS The Loneliest Number?

What number IS the loneliest number? We’ll in my humble opinion; the loneliest number in business is the number “one.” When you have only one client, one product, one source of income or only one of anything, you are leaving yourself or your business vulnerable to any changes that might occur in your industry or […]

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