
Why Did You Lose Your Last Ten Clients?

Why Did You Lose Your Last Ten Clients?

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What Are Your Limits?

Can you name anything in life that has no limits? I didn’t think so. That’s exactly why all your marketing efforts should have some type of expiration date. A limited offer will “out-pull” and “out-sell” an open-ended offer almost every time. When you do test  a “limited offer,” you will need to explain to your […]

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How often do you re-use and repurpose your marketing and positive publicity?

Have you run newspapers and magazines ads? Are there any articles that have been written about you, about your business, or about your products and services? People may be impressed and respond when these articles and ads run the first time, but how many of them are ever seen again by the public? Running an […]

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5 Simple Secrets To Social Media Marketing Success To Grow Business

Discover how to use social media marketing to drive more targeted traffic to your websites and blogs. Also why building name awareness build your credibility in the marketplace.

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Higher Proof Will Help You Sell More Products, Services and Ideas

Proof Will Help You Sell More Products, Services and Ideas: Go ahead, take a few minutes today and look at every marketing message you are putting out… Ask yourself: Am I providing my reader, viewer and listener the proof and credibility that what I’m saying is indeed true? How many times have you seen an […]

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