
Secret No. 30: Why You Should Save Your Love Letters?

Client that love you will help spread your word

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Secret No. 29: How's Your Sanity?

It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. This statement also applies to your business. What if you have developed a marketing campaign that is working well? What if your marketing is bringing in all kinds of sales leads and […]

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Secret No. 28: Rules Suck

If you play by the rules of your industry, or if you do the same thing as your competition, how will you ever gain more clients? Be inventive, creative, or even outrageous to capture a bigger share of the available business. Boring is and will always be boring. Creative marketing will help you to crush […]

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Secret No. 27: What marketing campaigns are working for your competitors?

Get in your competitors heads

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A Few Tips, Tricks, Techniques, Tidbit And Marketing Secrets That Promise To Save You Time And Money

The following secrets are not in any order. Each is valuable on it own or combined with other secrets. I highly recommend that you do combine them because when combine your multiply there strength. — Provide high level proof that what you are promising will be delivered. Credible third-party testimony that you deliver on your […]

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Secret No. 24: How Many Complaints Do You Receive About Your Business?

I was watching a story on the local news in which a reporter was bashing a travel agent. The travel agency didn’t refund the fees paid by a group of seniors who had had their trip canceled due to a mistake by the travel agency. That one news report probably will hurt this travel agent’s […]

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Secret No. 14: How Much Money And Time Do You Spend To Bring In A New Client?

How Much Money And Time Do You Spend To Bring In A New Client? An even more important question to ask is, “Do you know the ‘Life Time Value (LV)’ of that client?” Very few business owners take the time to learn this important secret. They don’t understand what a “life time value” is! In […]

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Secret No. 8: How Many Eggs Are In Your Basket?

How Many Eggs Are In Your Basket? It is much too risky for a wise business owner to rely on only one type of market­ing. What would happen if it failed? A business owner could lose his or her shirt and be driven out of business! Even a very successful single marketing campaign can have […]

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